Callous, or hyperkeratosis, is an area of hardened skin, which develops due to repetitive friction and pressure. Callouses are most often found on our feet due to the significant amount of friction and pressure that occurs whilst walking. Common areas of development include the underside of the forefoot, heel and the medial aspect of the big toe.
Generally, callouses are not painful however, they can become irritating and may lead to problems such as skin ulceration or infection.
A corn, or heloma, is an area of dense callous that is shaped like a cone, with the narrow, pointy end protruding deep into the skin. Corns are commonly found on the underside of the foot as well as interdigitally (between the toes), and on the tops and sides of toes, due to pressure from footwear.
Risk Factors for Development of Callous or Corns: